Moishe Lettvin

I like coffee, bicycles, camera and code. Backend engineer at

Running Custom Docker Images on Modal with Prefect Orchestration

12 October 2024

I recently set up Prefect to use Modal as its dynamic worker pool, with a custom Docker image registered on ECR. There’s great documentation out there about setting up Prefect and Modal with a git repo, which covers many cases. In my case, I needed some custom installation and setup for the flow I’d be executing, which necessitated the custom Docker image. My organization already hosts Docker images on ECR, so using it for this workflow made sense.

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itertools.product and dictionaries

04 March 2022

As you know if you’ve talked to me for more than 5 seconds in the past 6 months, I’ve been working on slime mold simulations. One of my goals recently has been to specify all the behavior of a simulation in a config file, which will let me both re-create a given simulation, and will also let me script simulation behavior to tweak parameters in a systematic way.

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An Actor Class for P5

01 February 2022

Yesterday, I wrote a tiny class to make it easier to create actor-based programs in p5. I’ve written some variant of this code about half a dozen times in the past few weeks and I realized it was a little silly to keep re-writing it.

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A Landscape Generator

21 January 2022

One of my favorite things at Recurse so far has been the weekly “Creative Coding” meetup. Every week a group of about half a dozen of us get together and spend about 90 minutes writing code to respond to two randomly selected prompts. For instance, last week one of the prompts was “tech support” so I wrote a thing that creates a Markov chain from the longest Outlook FAQ I could find, and used that chain to build nonsense tech advice. Other people made very clever animations and even interactive games; it’s really amazing what can be done in 90 minutes!

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A Story of a Wordle Solver

20 January 2022

A Narrative Journey

Like the rest of the Internet I’ve been enjoying playing Wordle for the past few weeks. While playing it I started thinking about good ways to approach the game, which of course led writing a computer program.

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